Rescue Squad 51 License Plate

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Rescue Squad 51 License Plate - Station 51

A Fire Foundation exclusive, we present a TV screen accurate, Rescue Squad 51 License Plate! It's from the same press that created the plates currently on the restored original 1974 Dodge 300 Rescue Unit

It's a California Black & Yellow, 'E'xempt plate, 999007. The E has a circle around it, indicating a County-owned vehicle. 

Metal stamped / embossed aluminum
Standard USA plate dimentions (12" x 6")
Shrink wrapped

A must-have for EMERGENCY! fans, this plate will look great on your wall or display case. Perfect for celebrity signatures if you find an event where the cast is doing autographs. Be sure to buy a paint pen!

Size: 6" tall x 12" wide
Attachment: 4 holes

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Your purchase benefits the LA County Fire Station 51.